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Comentarios (4)

Jillian - 1 Octubre 02:21

Trans Andrea, atractiva rubia. . . Zona Sur. Fañabe Masajes relajantes y juegos eróticos con final feliz. Hare tus sueños realidad. No me olvidarás..

Jillian - 22 Julio 08:57

His underwear was moist with pre-cum. Но в противном случае машина вряд ли мчала бы его сейчас под землей.

Grandbois - 9 Marzo 11:07

The only well-documented cases of antibiotics interfering with hormonal contraceptives that I'm aware of is the antibiotic drug Rifampicin. So yes, it is possible (if unlikely, since Rifampicin isn't used much). However, the advice to ask a doctor is always good advice, even to hypotheticals because if you're ever in that position, we don't want you relying on us, random Internet people, over asking your doctor (or better yet, pharmacist with up-to-date access to journals and drug manuals.

Mark - 5 Augusto 10:45

Personally I experienced it once and the women wanted to stop the intercours after it occurred, she was embarrassed.

Candida - 11 Noviembre 17:33

Wow she very sexy lady love rub lick her all over xo 69.